A meetup that focuses on helping Sys Admins administer large deployments of Macs and iOS devices.
When: Tuesday, the 11th of June, 2024. Meeting starts at 4:30pm Eastern.
Who: You!
What: Let's talk about WWDC and related announcements! Please join us via video to ask questions and be part of the conversation.
Also, please help us shape the future of MacAdmin Monthly: if you haven't, fill out our questionnaire:
Where: Online via Streamyard and YouTube.
We broadcast via Streamyard. Please join our Slack channel to find the link for that day's meeting, or watch our channel on YouTube:
We have a Slack channel on the MacAdmins Slack - sign up here:, and join #macadminmonthly. This is where we announce meetings, and discuss topics during meetings (if you are watching the stream-only version).
Previous Meetings
Previous meeting notes are listed here: Previous Meetings